The Heating, Ventilation and Air Conditioning (HVAC) system at the new Lindt & Sprungli facility uses the integration of innovative and standard technologies, providing temperature and humidity conditions within specific tolerances across the Warehouse, Manufacturing and Office areas. A HVAC Building Management System (BMS) has been installed to control, monitor and analyse the HVAC system as well as interface with other disciplines such as fire, electrical and hydraulics infrastructure
Warehouse, Manufacturing and Packing
Three air-cooled liquid chillers are located in the external plant area and provide the Warehouse, Manufacturing and Packing areas with low temperature chilled water for air conditioning and dehumidification. The chilled water system uses glycol to provide chilled water flow temperatures as low as 0°C for the purposes of dehumidification. The same chillers provide a total heat reclaim option delivering heating hot water to the building’s air handling systems. This was the first time this specific model Carrier chiller has been installed in Australia.
The main warehouse is served by ten air handling units located externally and supply air at high level via fabric ductwork. The fabric ductwork was designed and developed in Italy where each individual duct run was manufactured specifically to deliver air in and around the racking spaces
Each air handling unit is provided with coiling coils suitable for the low temperature chilled water system and heating hot water coils that are connected to the chiller’s heat reclaim heating water loop. The air handling unit’s cooling coils are responsible for reducing the space temperature and are also the first stage of dehumidification. Warehouse internal design temperature is set for 14.0c and 65% humidity
The HVAC system has been designed to remove the moisture generated from incoming pallets distributed over 3-off thermal zones at a constant inflow of pallets throughout the week. A two stage dehumidification control strategy allows adjacent zone AHU’s to assist in the removal of moisture. A feature of the HVAC Building Management System (BMS) is the ability for Lindt to manually “pre-dehumidify” a Warehouse Zone prior to a large delivery of pallets.
The manufacturing and packing warehouses are served by multiple air handling and fancoil type units located on an internal plant platform. Each air handling and fancoil unit is also provided with cooling coils connected to the low temperature chilled water system and heating hot water coils connected to the chiller’s heat reclaim heating water. Each unit serves a specific room and each specific room has its own temperature and humidity specification depending on the function of each room
The office areas are airconditioned by a Variable Refrigerant Flow (VRF) multi-split air conditioning systems comprising of a centralised air-cooled condenser plant serving multiple indoor fan coil units serving all office spaces including meeting rooms and breakout spaces.